Migration to AKS and more at KubeCon Europe!

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This latest CloudCasa version adds a new migration workflow to simplify key Kubernetes migration use cases such as migrating on-premises clusters to cloud, migrating cloud to cloud, replicating production environments for test/dev, and migrating between various Kubernetes configurations.  Also released are new cloud integration and manageability features, extending and improving the backup, restore, and disaster recover capabilities of CloudCasa, as well as its ability to centrally manage existing Velero installations in large and complex environments.

Customers of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) can now use the new migration workflow to easily migrate AKS worker nodes to Azure Linux, migrate storage volumes from Azure Disk to Azure Container Storage, and migrate from other cloud managed Kubernetes services and from on-premises Kubernetes environments to AKS. CloudCasa is available today in the Azure Marketplace or from the Azure portal for backup, recovery and the new migration workflow.

Register to meet with Ryan from CloudCasa to learn more at KubeCon –>

Kubernetes cluster migration
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