Azure Kubernetes Service Backup, Recovery and Migration Solution​

AKS backup with granular recovery across clusters, accounts, tenants, and regions. Centrally manage Azure backups and Velero backups.

Migrate applications and resources to new AKS environments like Azure Linux and Azure Container Storage.

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Top Five Reasons to Use CloudCasa with Azure

From the Azure Marketplace or Azure Portal, AKS customers can easily find, transact, and deploy CloudCasa on any cluster to deliver enterprise-grade, cloud-native, data protection, migration and compliance.

Use Velero or AKS Backup? No problem, you can try the Free Service plan or try CloudCasa for Velero to manage your Velero installations. Or try CloudCasa Pro to get multi-cloud support and advanced recovery features for migration or disaster recovery (DR).

Need to upgrade your AKS nodes to Azure Linux, or your Azure Storage from Azure Disk to Azure Container Storage? Simply do a backup and during the restore workflow, and optionally select Azure Linux as your new environment, and select new storage resources like ACStor that you want to migrate to.

CloudCasa Azure Marketplace listings

Key Solution Benefits

CloudCasa integrates with your Azure accounts to auto-discover your AKS clusters and to set global backup policies across a multi-cluster, multi-account environment. If you use Velero or AKS backup, try CloudCasa for Velero to get a dashboard for Velero management, monitoring and support. If you need to migrate or create a new AKS enviroment, simply do a backup and use the recovery workflow to dynamically create new clusters or to migrate or copy data.

Azure Awareness

Azure Awareness

Azure and AKS-native integration brings awareness on cluster and cloud configuration to quickly restore or migrate your apps and data.

DR and Compliance

DR and Compliance

Just install the CloudCasa agent to protect your AKS cluster resources & persistent data, providing the business continuity and compliance that your business requires.

Centralized Management

Centralized Management

Centralized visibility across all cloud accounts. Inventory Azure accounts to query a list of all AKS clusters and resources to catalog how each cluster is configured.

Rapid Cluster Recovery and Migration

Rapid Cluster Recovery and Migration

By backing up Azure cloud resources and AKS cluster configuration, CloudCasa can recreate clusters on the fly including remapping resources while restoring data. Use for upgrade, migration, testing, or DR.

Flexiblilty of Choice

Flexiblilty of Choice

Store optimized backup copies in Azure Blob storage, CloudCasa managed storage, or any compatible S3 storage in any cloud or on-premises. During restore, chose new or existing resources to restore your clusters and data.

Features and Integrations


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As a government institution in Brazil, the Para regional electoral courts began to experiment with Kubernetes. It was an ...

CloudCasa for Velero Datasheet

CloudCasa for Velero makes it easier to manage, monitor and restore existing Velero backups. Velero is a popular open-source Kubernetes backup tool that is ...

Red Hat OADP and CloudCasa – Datasheet

Velero and Red Hat OADP have become popular data protection options for cloud-native environments. OADP provides the ability to ...