Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Backup and Restore with GCP Integration and Multi-Cloud Recovery

  • Free Kubernetes backup, etcd backup and CSI snapshot management
  • Autodiscover GKE clusters, backup K8s resources, create GKE clusters on restore
  • Multi-cloud data protection with cross-account and cross-cluster restores
  • Full support for GKE Velero backups with ability to manage and monitor all your Velero backups from a single pane of glass. 
  • Cyber resilient with tamperproof ransomware protection

Sign up for the CloudCasa Free plan to get to 100G of free GKE PV backups, free GKE snapshot management,  free GKE backup management, and free GKE resource backups, with no limits on number of snapshots or clusters (up to 10 nodes for free). And for Velero users, get free Velero managment on GCP / GKE.

GKE cluster resource backup and GKE PV backups ensure applications can be recovered in the event of user error, ransomware attacks, systems failure, or natural disasters. Or you can migrate K8s clusters and data for Dev/Test and CI/CD.

Get advanced multi-cloud Kubernetes backup from cloud account integrations with AKS, EKS and GKE, including cross-cluster, cross-account, cross-region, and cross-cloud backup, restore, and data migration.

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Read more about GKE account integration and GKE backups! Velero on GCP is fully supported!


Why CloudCasa is a leader in Kubernetes backup

Unlike backup solutions that are retrofits, CloudCasa is a reimagination of cloud native backup, leveraging our proven expertise in backup, recovery, and snapshot management. CloudCasa exploits the strengths of public cloud infrastructure and Kubernetes to:
  • Backup Kubernetes persistent data and resources including etcd.
  • Creates and manages snapshots and backups of Kubernetes persistent volumes including Velero backups.
  • Uniquely migrates and restores data cross-cluster, cross-account, cross-region, and cross-cloud for AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Encrypts and secures data in transit and at rest in secure storage, with Object Lock or SafeLock immutable copies.
  • Provides a generous free service plan (first 10 nodes free with 100G storage), unlimited clusters, and snapshots and full Velero backup support.
kubernetes backup and restore

CloudCasa integrates with your AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform accounts to auto-discover your EKS, AKS, and GKE clusters. This allows users to set global Kubernetes backup policies across a multi-cluster, multi-account environment. CloudCasa is a one of a kind, proactive data protection service that also detects vulnerabilities in Kubernetes clusters and Cloud accounts to improve overall security posture.

GigaOm Radar for Kubernetes Data Protection

CloudCasa Named a Leader and Outperformer

gigaom radar report leader 2023
gigaom radar outperformer 2023