Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Native Integration for GKE Backup

Cloud-aware integration for GKE backup that supports Google Compute Disk (non-CSI) PVs, and Google cloud storage for storing your GKE backups.

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Any2Cloud to Recover Kubernetes Clusters from GKE to AKS

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a widely used cloud computing platform for several reasons, including their convenient, easy-to-use tools and services.

"I tried CloudCasa against GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). It is not just a backup. It is a complete solution that let you able to specify what exactly needs to be included in the backup under certain conditions. also what I really like about the restore option is that you can restore to the same or another Kubernetes cluster."
Muhammad Badawy
Senior DevOps Engineer

Key Solution Benefits

Cloud-aware integration for GKE backup, that supports Google Compute Disk (non-CSI) PVs and abilty to store your GKE backups in Google cloud storage, and the ability to recover Kubernetes clusters across different clouds.



CloudCasa is primarily a software as a service which means users don’t require any infrastructure to set up and manage GKE backups with CloudCasa.

GCP-native Integration

GCP-native Integration

CloudCasa supports direct integration with GCP on a per-project basis using a custom role. The integration enables auto-discovery, configuration backup, and auto-creation on restore for GKE clusters.

Cloud and Platform Agnostic

Cloud and Platform Agnostic

CloudCasa supports different cloud infrastructures and accounts to bridge the multi-cloud gap by dealing with different storage class types etc.

Features and Integrations


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