
Velero vs. Kasten

Open source Velero has become the backup standard in the Kubernetes world. Let's see why switching to a closed-source solution like Kasten no longer makes any sense!

Velero is the open source Kubernetes backup solution that is widely used by the community. Kasten is a commercial alternative to Velero that was recently acquired by the popular backup company Veeam. 

Let’s explore why individuals might choose one solution over another and whether an alternative approach might be more suitable for the Kubernetes community. There are many commercial solutions similar to Kasten, and many of the factors discussed here will apply to them as well.

Benefits of Velero Over Kasten

Velero offers several advantages that Kasten does not, making it the default choice for many users. Organizations typically consider commercial alternatives only when Velero does not meet specific requirements.

Open Source

Velero is free. It is technology you can trust. Kasten is closed source.

Adoption & Popularity

Velero has been pulled over 50M times and is by far the most popular solution. 

Community Experience

Velero users benefit from the experience of the community. 

Diverse Contributors 

Velero has contributors and maintainers from a large set of vendors: VMware, Red Hat, Microsoft, Dell, and SUSE.

Sustainable Solution

Given its popularity and diverse backing, Velero is inherently 
more sustainable.


Velero is the recommended backup solution for many service providers & platforms: AWS, Azure, Red Hat Openshift, SUSE, and more​.

Manage, Run, and Support Velero Backups at Scale!

Introducing CloudCasa for Velero

Enjoy a centralized GUI and multi-cluster management for Velero, with live support!  And best of all, CloudCasa for Velero is priced to be 20-25% of Kasten's price (per worker node). There is no need to move away from Velero to address any of your issues.

  • Open source compatible
  • Expert Support
  • 20% of the cost of Kasten!

Considerations for Velero users in moving to Kasten


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