Need Help Managing Velero at Scale?

Have management and scale pain points with Velero? Need help to install Velero or to do Velero restores? If yes, this promotion is for you!
CloudCasa for Velero makes it super easy to manage, monitor and restore Velero backups. Follow these 3 easy steps and then contact us:
- Sign up for CloudCasa Free Plan (up to 10 nodes for free)
- Add 1 or more Velero clusters; manage them for 2 weeks
- Fill out a simple survey to provide feedback
Start benefiting from CloudCasa for Velero today!
- Catalog Velero recovery points and configurations including settings, backup definitions, and schedules.
- Manage Velero backups and configuration across clusters and cloud providers from one UI .
- Monitor and report on Velero backups across multiple clusters and clouds in one UI.
- Perform guided restores of Velero backups on-premises or to AKS, EKS or GKE clusters.
- Get support for your Velero installation from the CloudCasa team including live chat!
Need help connecting a Velero cluster? Please follow the simple set of steps: Getting started with CloudCasa for Velero. You can also open a live chat with us.
*A limited time promotion, one per person. Business email and company name are required and will be verified, and subscriber must opt-in to receiving CloudCasa communications. CloudCasa by Catalogic reserves the right to deny the promotion reward to illegitimate users and to limit it to one per company. We are happy to assist anyone in achieving this promotion.