KubCon + CloudNativeCon is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) flagship conference that gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities. This fall the conference is in person in Detroit, Michigan from October 24 – 28, 2022 and also a full virtual conference.

CloudCasa by Catalogic is a silver sponsor for KubeCon, and also a sponsor of the Data on Kubernetes Community’s DoK Day on Monday, October 24, 2022.

Meet with us at DoK Day or during KubeCon at booth S3 to learn how easy it to start using CloudCasa and to learn about our powerful new cloud integrations that we are announcing.  By stoppoing by either our physical booth or our virtual booth, you can sign up for a $50 promotion and a chance to win one of our awesome e-Scooter giveaways!

At our virtual booth, in addition to signing up for the $50 promotion, you can attend one of our virtual office hours to win an awesome prizes including Amazon gift cards and an e-Scooter ($400 value)!