Easily Backup and Recover DigitalOcean Kubernetes

CloudCasa's integration with DigitalOcean helps preserve cluster configuration, backup persistent volumes to protect them from ransomware, accidental deletion, and long-term retention policies.

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How to Backup your DigitalOcean Kubernetes with CloudCasa

DigitalOcean is a simple and scalable cloud platform for all developer needs.  Run CloudCasa as a 1-Click Kubernetes App for your clusters, or install Velero and use CloudCasa to manage all  your backups. Use DigitalOcean Spaces to for your backup storage.

Features and Benefits

CloudCasa's integration with DigitalOcean helps preserve cluster configuration and backs up persistent volumes to protect them from ransomware, accidental deletion, and long-term retention policies.

Secure Home in the Cloud

Secure Home in the Cloud

Our secure home in the cloud for Kubernetes data protection solution is built with Kubernetes to take advantage of cloud scale.

Centralized Workflow

Centralized Workflow

Integrate all your backup workflows into one single pane of glass, including using DigitalOcean Spaces for backup storage.

Free service Plan

Free service Plan

Includes backups of Kubernetes resource data and snapshot management for persistent volumes. First 10 nodes are free!

 No Vendor Lock-In

No Vendor Lock-In

Take back control of your data layer in Kubernetes with a storage platform with data protection to run and protect your apps.

Fair Pricing and BYO Storage

Fair Pricing and BYO Storage

Fair pricing based on worker nodes. Optionally bring your own low-cost object storage for Kubernetes PV backups.



Never have to worry about running out of nodes or backup object storage. Scales with your application!


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CloudCasa for Velero Datasheet

CloudCasa for Velero makes it easier to manage, monitor and restore existing Velero backups. Velero is a popular open-source Kubernetes backup tool that is used by thousands of organizations for protecting Kubernetes workloads. CloudCasa ...

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Velero and Red Hat OADP have become popular data protection options for cloud-native environments. OADP provides the ability to backup and restore OpenShift cluster resources and persistent volume data. ...